KAHLE THERAPY & CONSULTING SERVICES would be honoured to provide therapeutic services to you. It is important that you understand the clinical services we hope to provide you, the cost involved, our policies, and the limits of your confidentiality. Please read through these policies carefully. You may ask your therapist to review them with you at your first session. If you have any questions about these policies you can contact us at anytime.

You will be required to agree to our Terms + Conditions before beginning treatment. 

Services are provided remotely Exception - Walking Session (conditions apply)


1. Payment is due 24 hours prior to you session. Appointments, unpaid 24 hours in advance of the start time, will be cancelled unless an alternate arrangement has been made via request to, and response from, kahletcs@gmail.com.

2. We request 24 hours of notice for a session cancellation. Your full session fee is charged for missed/no show appointments, or if you provide less than 24 hours notice of cancellation. Unfortunately, we cannot make exceptions to this policy except under proof of emergency circumstances such as a medical emergency. This includes your initial appointment.

3. Our fees are as follows:

  • Individual Session: $150/60 minutes

  • Couples Session: $200/60 minutes

  • Family Session (3+ participants): $250 /80 minutes +125 each additional participant

  • Single Session Consultation: $65/30 minutes

  • Walking Sessions (conditions apply) $200/60 minutes

Telephone calls, report writing & other services, in excess of 15 minutes will be billed at the regular hourly rate, and will be discussed with you in advance.
4. Client intake forms are completed online when scheduling a consultation. You will be required to agree to our Terms of Service.

5. Credit card payments via PayPal or e-transfers are accepted. Please indicate prior to your session which method of payment you prefer. Payment is due a minimum of 24 hours prior to your scheduled session. Sessions scheduled with less than 24 hours notice will require immediate payment to secure the appointment.

Please note:  If choosing to pay via PayPal an additional 4% administrative fee will be applied.

6. A receipt for clinical sessions will be provided for insurance reimbursement. Missed + cancelled appointments will be indicated.

7. Sessions are not covered by OHIP. However, they may be covered in full or in part by your extended health benefits plan. Please check your coverage carefully by asking the following questions:

  • Do I have coverage for a Registered Social Worker for psychotherapy/counselling?

  • What is the amount of my annual coverage?

  • Is there a deductible for each session?

Please note: Social Work services are considered a medical expense tax credit for income tax purposes. Any fees not covered by your benefits plan can be claimed when you file your income tax return.

8. Should a client, who has paid according to policy, need to cancel or reschedule their session more than 24 hours ahead of theor appointment they make choose to utilize their payment as a credit towards their rescheduled appointment, or they may request a refund which will be issued immediately.

9. Client files that have been inactive for 60 days will be closed. Clients may always reactivate services but, may be subject to any policy changes or new fees.

10. The information you share with your therapist is confidential & cannot be shared with another party without the informed, written consent of the client. However, there may be occasions when information must be shared about you or your situation without your consent (please see our Terms of Service).

11. Please note that we do not offer crisis services. If you require immediate assistance, please visit your local Emergency Department or contact one of the local distress & crisis resources outlined on our crisis resource page.

12. Kahle Therapy + Consulting Services has the right to update our policies, and/or terminate a clinical relationship at our discretion.